News and articles

What Landlords Should Expect Now the Election is Over?

With Labour’s landslide victory in the 2024 General Election, significant changes are anticipated for the...
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Mortgage troubles

The Coming Mortgage Crisis: A Grim Reality for UK Homeowners

The Bank of England’s recent Financial Stability Report paints a concerning picture for millions of...
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Comprehensive Guide to Stamp Duty on Second Homes

Purchasing an additional residential property or acquiring a second home involves significant financial considerations, one...
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The Flatlining UK Economy: A Rollercoaster with No Thrills

Ah, the UK economy, often the stuff of economic fairy tales, filled with promises of...
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Leasehold Reforms Become Law: A New Dawn for Homeowners

This change marks a significant milestone for homeowners across England and Wales as the Leasehold...
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Inflation Falls to 2.3% in April: Close But No Cigar

Today, official data revealed that the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) rose by 2.3% in the...
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